Saturday, 18 December 2010

Just the thing on a winter evening

Track racing is similar to the sprinting world of runners. The difference for me is its purity and variety. Pure because the riders storm around the track on a bike with one gear and no brakes. The gear is fixed so the speed comes from the riders strength and ability to spin the pedals. The variety comes from the different events put on throughout the session, from the sprint, a combination of speed and tactics to the Australian pursuit, a new event in the revolution series. In this event riders are spaced evenly round the track and sprint for the finish. If you are overtaken you are out. The effort in this event and the future star racing make the revolution series well worth the £14 for the four hours entertainment. Just the thing on a cold evening.
While I was there I bought Roule Britannia by William Fotheringham (He was signing books at the event). William has written a number of cycling books but this was the first one of his I have read. It is a history of Brits competing in the Tour D'France. Really worth the read, just to know what the early pioneers did and put up with to compete in the hardest sporting event in the world. Another past time for the winter days perhaps.

Finally, if you prefer to participate than watch have a look at the velodrome timetable. Friday nights are good with a family session for adults and kids with an improvement hour straight after. Well worth a play if nothing else. Everyone should try this at least once in their cycling career. Have a look on

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