Sunday, 5 December 2010

Cold Case Detectives

I'm told there is a series on TV based on real life 'cold case detectives'. This is a relatively new field of crime detection made possible by advances in DNA technology and a new detective process I will call 'go back and ask them again'. The way it works is like this. Detectives go back to the files and evidence for crimes like murder and rape and work their way through the evidence again. They go to speak to witnesses and ask them again 'do you know who did it'. People move on, relationships end and people fall out. They now take the opportunity to get revenge  on their former loves and tell the police who dunnit. There is a danger here of course. People who are jealous, angry or spurned take the opportunity to name someone who didn't do it just for kicks. So how many people are in gaol having been wrongly accused. Well hopefully none. This is where the DNA kicks in. Having been given a new suspect the police use new DNA technology to link the suspect to the crime. If they can't or the offender doesn't confess all then the crime remains unsolved.
It is an expensive and time consuming method of investigating crime which is why it is reserved for the most serious of offences- murder, rape, torture. The police don't tend to investigate ten year old burglaries. Nor, if I went to tell them about the 18 year old girl that broke my heart 29 years ago smoking cannabis, would they track her down and bust her. Of course not, we wouldn't want our police spending our money like this, it just isn't worth it.
It's different if you are a member of the food and drug administration. You are happy to spend Americans dollars investigating crimes that took place (allegedly) in Europe. I am of course back on the subject of Lance Armstrong. The most tested man on the planet has always come back negative. Technology hasn't changed that much and all they have is Floyd Landis's confession that he used them so Lance must have. Hey - listen- people in my office may have used drugs but I haven't. Is Floyd another jealous, angry individual feeling more of that gravy should have spilled of Lance's plate onto his. There was no evidence then and is there any reason to look for it now. No.. there are better things to spend money on than someone who showed everyone what people are physically capable of. Is it so hard to believe this could have been achieved without the help of illegal substances? Mankind regularly turns out individuals that amaze us all, Gandhi, Churchill, Lincoln, scientists, explorers and - of course - athletes, How many times was Schumacher world champion. Were they all on drugs? Not for a minute do I think so. Well carry on food and drink administration, keep tarnishing the reputation of the greatest athlete your country has ever produced and, perhaps, at the same time you could bring the Livestrong trust crashing down. Shame on you and, my message, let it go; there is nothing to find. And America... stop letting them waste your dollars... It could be they are just enjoying the opportunity to do a tour of Europe at your expense.

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