Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Is it Ok to be cruel as long as its funny?

Probably not is the answer we should all give! Unless of course it is only close to cruelty then it may just be OK. Meet Alex. He has watched me on my virtual reality trainer for weeks now and like all youngsters loves the idea of playing on video games, add to that his ability as a cyclist and it has been torture for him being banned from the toy in the garage. Well as the ice continues to make cycling an extreme sport and his break dancing and football conversations driving me nuts I relented. I set him up on a mostly downhill section of the Alps, dropped the saddle on the carbon defy as low as it would go (yes I really do use a carbon on the turbo). Alex put on his cycling shorts and Everton top and.... still couldn't fit, so with a cushion on the cross bar of he went. He complained the whole way of a pain in a specific area but kept going.. just like a real rider in the Tour. Maybe he can give up his football and make me proud. Anyway 22 minutes later he covered 8 miles at a max speed of 33mph and while pushing 241 watts he declared he loved it couldn't wait to go again but boy did it hurt and could I put his bike on the machine. Me... well I watched every painful minute sat on my time trial bike next to him before declaring myself the winner... of course.

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