Friday 5 October 2012

Zone 1 torment

Today's ride was supposed to be an easy one hour zone 1 ride. In other words keeping my heart rate below 118bpm. I decided to ride out to eureka for a coffee and (obviously) back which in the end took an hour and 10 minutes. With it being another blustery day the hardest part,again, was keeping my HR down especially on the short steep hills. In the end 14 minutes were spent in zone 2&3 but to be honest I think it's more or less impossible to do otherwise on a day like this. 

The plan was to keep the legs moving ready for a four hour ride tomorrow and sitting here 9 hours later it appears to of worked. I feel fresh and ready to go. I also did a set of stretches for the first time which appear to of loosened up a painful right hip. So overall just over a 20 mile ride at about 16mph with an average HR of 115 which was inside the zone. Lets see what tomorrow brings. ..... 

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