Sunday, 21 October 2012

Chalk another week up

No I wasn't involved in this er mistake, i just love the picture and would like to demonstrate, time trialling ain't for wimps. That aside it's been, overall another great week. I'm enjoying the cycling and I'm still having no problem getting out on the bike. the training has increased slightly though Monday remains a rest day. Tuesday increased by thirty minutes, typically it was heavy rain and blowing force 5-6. I managed 75 minutes of sheer terror before, after heading towards the coast, discretion got the better of me and I headed home finishing off with 45 minutes on the tacx trainer.

Wednesday was the same three hour zone 1 &2 ride while Thursday was my first trip out on the new Scott foil for a one hour gentle spin. It ended up a bit longer but the foil felt fantastic. Solid when cornering, no give when climbing and very easy into the wind.

Friday provided an Indian summer and my two hour ride ended up as three and a half, going into Wales, Chester and enjoying a coffee stop at Eureka. I rode with three others spending the majority of time up front to control my heart rate but still enjoyed the social side of the ride.

Saturday was a session on the turbo and I think I had problems at the start and over cooked the session. Sunday was a 42 mile very hilly polocini ride (more on the next blog). This was the first time I struggled. I promised the coach I would stay in the required zones but the first hills made a liar of me and overall I spent 43 minutes in zone 1 and 2 while zones 3-5 took 2 hours 42. Not looking forward to the feedback. That said my view is this time of year is about steady miles and some fun and the ride gave me that.

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