Sunday, 14 November 2010

Contador the legend?

I was wondering today as the rain blew in over the Irish sea and I contemplated a cold ride or a warm virtual reality one,  when will we find out what is to happen to Contador. Sure he has been discovered doping which he accepted with the grace of a five year old caught writing on the walls in crayon - 'It wasn't me' 'It must have been someone else'. It occurred to me that across the great pond another athlete is on trial because someone else has claimed that doping took place. Now I am no expert but I am entitled to an opinion. Here is my question - If Contodor is caught after winning just three (is it) Tour D'France's surely Lance Armstrong would have been caught during his seven wins plus other entries prior to his re-birth. Isn't it time we just accepted that Lance is probably the greatest athlete since, if not including, Hercules and enjoy the pleasure that was Armstrong taking seven tours. People always want a piece of the victor and yet we appear to take forever to deal with the real dopers. Let's not forget the epic battle that took place between him and Schleck and how this contaminated steak and a missing piece of carbon robbed the true champion of his glory in Paris. my humble opinion well done to Schleck and back off the legend, long may he continue all that he does (Armstrong that is). Thank God for the track team,

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